Ratings of tree-planting organizations

Want to plant trees but don't know which charity to donate to? Here are the best charities according to Charity Navigator!

Overall Rank Tree-planting Organization Overall Score (/100) Financial Score Accountability and Transparency Score
1 Plant With Purpose 92.60 90.34 96.00
2 National Forest Foundation 90.40 87.04 96.00
3 Trees for the Future 89.85 85.65 100.00
4 Friends of the Urban Forest 87.89 84.87 92.00
5 Arbor Day Foundation (TeamTrees) 86.78 81.75 96.00
6 TreePeople 84.62 79.42 93.00
7 The Nature Conservancy 84.29 78.92 93.00
8 American Forests 83.77 77.25 97.00
9 Eden Reforestation Projects 78.85 76.90 81.00
10 The Greening of Detroit 70.34 75.44 66.00

This font was made by Manfred Klein Fonteria. Thanks to Antimatter Dimensions for introducing me to this font.

Did you know that you can actually plant trees for free with some apps? (not sponsored)

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